Planning : Props

Props List 

Police Tape: This prop is significant to our film as it creates a sense of realism. It is also a common prop found in multiple crime investigation TV shows as it provides clarity to the situation suggesting that a crime has taken place.


Throughout the film we have the reoccurring theme of death, as john is character that is trying to prevent the deaths of many. The fact that he smokes further shows the disregard he has for himself. Also, this is another common feature found in noir style films.


Alcohol is used to represent John Wayne's moral & and mid-life crisis. As it is a common stereotypical feature displayed in many films of a similar genre. This suggests that John is a disturbed character and might not be able to him the most reliable especially in the job that he has. This creates unease with the audience as they cannot distinguish whether he is a good person.

Red Candle:

The red candle was chosen as it has ambiguous relavance . Firstly, the colour red has connatations of danger and fear, which is related to the overarching narrative of the film. Also we can see that red can be linked very closely to the colour of blood which is the antagonists calling card. Secondly, the candle has religous context and can be related to the multiple sins of the character. Finally, the candle represents the daulity of life and how fragile it can be. I marked the moment by having the candle be blown out connecting the idea of the end; implying that this could lead to the characters end.  


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